Professional Journey
Jungle AI - Software Engineer
2023 - Present
While keeping development of Toucan, enrolled on a developer role of detections by developing an abstract system of extracting value from multiple sources of data and setting up data processing workflows.
- Implemented scheduled data processing using Argo Workflows
- Streamlined model deployment with MLFlow
- Managed deployments in Kubernetes
Jungle AI - Software Engineer Part-Time
2022 - 2023
Responsible for authentication system and middleware used in multiple backends. Took role of main maintainer of Toucan, working alongside R&D to deliver power forecasts in a performant and reliable way.
- Designed and implemented a ML service
- Built a custom ML model registry
- Designed and implemented a custom authentication system (OAuth2 and API keys)
Jungle AI - Software Engineer Intern
Summer 2022
Worked on a notification delivery system, having to quickly learn a new codebase and stack.
- Developed the system using FastAPI, Vue.js, PostgreSQL and Docker
- Learned the wonders of Pydantic
- Implemented job queues using Python Redis Queue and Redis
Technical Expertise
- Python
- JavaScript
Technologies & Frameworks
- Backend: FastAPI, Pydantic, Redis, Django, Pandas
- Infrastructure: Docker, Kubernetes
- Machine Learning: MLFlow, Pandas
BSc in Computer Science and Engineering @ Instituto Superior Técnico - University of Lisbon
2020 - 2023
Relevant coursework:
- Data Structures and Algorithms
- Machine learning and AI
- Databases
- Distributed Systems
- Arquimedia - a duolingo designed for portuguese high school students. Main designer and developer.
What Drives Me
I’m passionate about projects with social and environmental impact and my journey in software engineering has been fueled by my desire to make a difference. At Jungle AI, this means helping reduce downtime and increase profitability in renewables, contributing to a more sustainable future. Through Arquimedia, I worked to create an open-source, free tool to help Portuguese students prepare for their national exams.
I’m also a big fan of open-source software, and I try to open my personal projects and contribute to others whenever I can.